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HomeNewsRoueche Awards commends educator excellence

Roueche Awards commends educator excellence

Story by Rachel Ng

Professors are a large part of Long Beach City College, and good professors help the student experience along. The John And Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards recognizes outstanding teachers. These professors create an excellent learning environment and are great leaders in their community. A few teachers such as Professor Nicole Glick, Professor Michelle Grimes-Hillman, Professor Jennifer Holmgren, and Professor Margie Padron has been nominated this year to receive this award. This award serves to recognize the excellent work of these professors and to honor their commitment to their communities. John and Suanne Roueche believe teachers play a major role in the students success in education.

When asked about the Roueche Excellence Awards, students reacted positively. Carlos Correa 21 Business Management Major responded “I love it when teachers put in that extra effort to build a community.” Correa elaborated further by claiming that excellent teachers do impact students because there is “one thing for getting grades and passing a class, but there one thing and understanding what you just learnt.” The students proceeded to discuss why being an excellent professor, who has a role in their student’s success, is important to them. Elmer Acevedo 22 a Business Major states that “the Teacher’s attitude definitely goes against your grade. If the teacher has a bad attitude you most likely going to have a bad grade. If the teacher has a good attitude, is there pushing you and making you, feel better about class you are going to have a positive attitude, every day of class.” Correa feels that excellent professors helps with your performance as well. According to Correa, the good qualities of the professor makes you “be more active, be more inclined, and to having a conversation with the lectures and keeping up with homework.”

The Nominees are thankful and humbled by their nomination. Professor Nicole Glick a Professor and The Composition Program Faculty Coordinator was surprised and pleased by her nomination. Professor Glick stated, “The nomination was quite a surprise. I’m humbled by the honor and really appreciate the recognition and support from my colleagues. We all devote a lot of time and energy into improving the college experience, so it is gratifying to hear that they believe in my intentions.” Professor Margie Padron A Professor of LBCC responded by stating, “I believe that there are so many employees at LBCC that work tirelessly and passionately and that is what makes this such a wonderful institution for our students.  For me, it is a privilege to work here and it is my desire to make a positive impact to the student experience.” Another nominee Professor Jennifer Holmgren A professor of LBCC expresses some thoughts on the awards themselves by saying, “I believe this is a very prestigious and well-recognized award in the community college system and I am very flattered that the classified staff felt that my contributions to LBCC are worthy of such a nomination.” Professor Glick expressed her gratitude for the awards and stated, “It recognizes why I chose this profession, particularly at a community college (and even more at my alma mater, LBCC.”


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