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Students chill out after winter break

By: Leslie Armillo

It’s a new year, with a fresh start and a brand new opportunity to start over. Yes, the cliche is very true, “A New year, a new me!”

LBCC students return from Winter vacation with a bang. Students no longer have headaches over what to buy grandma for Christmas and most importantly, no more having insane crisis over class finals. Many of the students look forward to the beginning of a new year and new remedies are created to control the immense amount of stress that students normally face when trying to adjust themselves to improve and upgrade.

Degni Luna, 20, a communications major and Big Brother representative for the club Teens N Twenties (TNT), said the morning of February 6, 2018 of their TNT meeting, “Returning to school my stress level wasn’t nearly as bad as it was during the holidays and week of finals, because I had club events, my work schedule was loaded with hours and taking 12 units wasn’t so fun. My stress pimples were at an all time high. Now, I am ready to return to school and start fresh.”

Edgar Botello, 20, a business marketing major, said, “My stress is at its worst during the holidays. Returning now, I am stress-free and ready to start the brand new year and focus on school. I will be hanging out with my friends a lot and going to Disneyland or to the movie theaters to help relieve stress this new year.”

Amairani Suarez, 21, a biology major, said, “I feel like at the beginning of the semester it’s less stressful because you gain inspiration and have an optimistic attitude, because you’re excited to have this chance to be successful once again.”

According to Brandon Gaille, marketing podcaster, he states “The average college student gets less than 7 hours of sleep per night. In turn, this affects the mood of the student, their health, and ultimately their grades. The bottom line? Sleep does matter.”

Susan Bartell, Contributor of U.S News, shares how the transition from stressing over finals, wrapping up the holidays, then to return to school after the break as, “The most profound change occurs because going away to college promotes healthy and necessary feelings of independence, and this strong desire to feel independent continues when a child comes home for a break.” The returning of students for the new year are far more prepared than they were the year before.

Jose Gonzalez, 23, an art major, said, “When people go through new experiences, they tend to change us little by little and eventually, we become better as people because of the things we have gone through. We arrive with a stronger confidence, inspiring attitude and are just physically and emotionally capable to face any new stress or obstacles we might face during the new year.” 


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