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HomeNewsHealthy Viking Initiative works to help achieve mental health goals for students

Healthy Viking Initiative works to help achieve mental health goals for students

Story and Photo by Sabriyya Ghanizada

The LBCC Healthy Vikings Initiative kicked off their first mental health workshop, ‘Setting Goals for the New Year’ during the first week of the 2019 Spring Semester on Feb. 2.

The workshop was located in the Valhalla room of building E at LAC.

Genesis Lares, a CSULB student and intern with LBCC Student Life and Student Services, led the group through the entirety of the workshop.

Lares enjoys co-facilitating the workshops because she gets to interact with students and learn from them by hearing their experiences.

After introductions, students were prompted through a worksheet that described ‘SMART’ Goals, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

Lares shared that she was working toward a goal of learning the saxophone while another attendee mentioned she has weight loss goals.

“It is important that your goal is important to you,” Lares said.

Toward the end of the workshop, the group was provided with supplies to make their own vision boards, to help visualize their specific goals.

LBCC student, Sharonda Moss, said, “They are enjoyable and relaxing.”

Moss is currently working toward a few goals herself, including her certificate in drug and alcohol studies.

She plans on transferring to CSULB once she completes her general education classes.

Daisy Cook, the co-facilitator for the workshop, stressed that when accomplishing a goal, students should celebrate and “treat yourself right.”

Some students in attendance were there to receive credit for their classes.

Moss, a mother and participant in the CARE program, also benefits from attending these workshops.

“They are extremely helpful to my situation,” Moss said.

The CARE program, short for Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education, provides educational resources for students who are single parents and receiving aid.

There are about eight workshops taking place on both the LAC and PCC this semester and any current LBCC student is able to participate.

“Every student is recommended to come, anybody that is willing to listen and learn,” Lares said.

Around 20 students attended, led by Genesis Lares (BSW) & Daisy Cook (LSCW).

Mental health services at LBCC also include free therapy sessions to students who are currently enrolled.


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