Career Technical Education Programs gathered at LAC for CTE Career Connection Day on Feb. 27.
The event started at 11 a.m and ended at 1 p.m. at the E quad, up to 11 programs showed up.
“The event is to celebrate CTE programs, we have programs from welding, Automotive, to culinary arts, child development, and fashion,” said Katie Sundara the CTE coordinator.
Chantel Bryant an assistant professor, is representing the fashion and merchandising program where students can get a certificate for fashion designing.

Scott Bizado is a radio and television student, and is representing the program where students can learn how to get involved into television and radio production.
Eboni Thornton is a student, attended the event, said, “So far like it’s going pretty good. I went to the student services club and they have like a lot of information and got a flyer from them. I thought about psychology but i want to decide before the end of spring break so far the events are helpful.”
Danny Tan is a automotive instructor representing the automotive technology program at PCC where they prepare students for employment in the automotive industry.
Ana Rivera is representing the computer and office studies department where they offer students skills in database management, and web development.
Christian Perez a student attending the event, said, “It’s pretty nice I have the chance to see what’s going on what we have on campus and see works that they have.”

The culinary arts department were giving out cookies at their booth, and showing students where they can learn how to cook and how to prepare for the restaurant business.
“To be a culinary chef, you don’t necessarily have to get a 4 year degree, but maybe take some classes and get a certification and you can start working in maybe a year so that’s what the impact on student is. Is to give the skills to get a job right off the bat,” said Sundara.
Students attended the event got to learn what programs are available on campus and see what career is best for them.