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HomeLifestyleViking fall semester 2019 Horoscopes

Viking fall semester 2019 Horoscopes

By Sabriyya Ghanizada

Correction: Incorrect dates on each horoscope have been corrected to their proper dates.

Aries | Ram (March 21 – April 19)

You began your semester with sights set on the horizon. Charge ahead and fiery rams may forget that work must be done in order to get to their desired goals. At some point you must realize you have to let go of old patterns in order to create a new future. Take the time to create a game plan and don’t be afraid to let go of anything that causes you stress. It takes 21 days to create a habit. Ready, Set, Go!

Taurus | Bull (April 20 – May 20)

You spent a lot of time soaking up the sun and sand this summer so it’s no wonder you were bummed to be stuck between four drab walls by the end of August. In true bull style, you’ve managed to make the most of it by spicing up your wardrobe, arranging coffee shop study sessions, and getting all of your supplies early with Amazon Prime. Keep up the positive thinking and take any and every opportunity to use your voice. Not only are people watching, but they’re listening!

Gemini | Twins (May 21 – June 21) 

An expectation falling through severely messed up your mojo before the start of the semester. Get back in the groove by enjoying everything the campus and your surrounding neighborhood has to offer. Go see that play and attend that game. Get the tutoring you need and maybe even find a kindred spirit to connect with. It may help to begin each day by listing three things you are grateful for. Once you begin to appreciate where you are now, you’ll be able to open yourself up to a world of new possibilities and partnerships. Your desires of happiness and fulfillment are easier to reach than you think.

Cancer | Crab (Jun 22-July 22)

You overcame a lot of fear in order to see your goals from a new perspective. A water sign, Crabs emotions play a big role in decision making. Instead of drowning in obligations and anxiety, take a mental health day to step back a re-prioritize where needed. Make it a habit to celebrate the highs and lows of this semester with equal regard so you can appreciate the span of your emotional range and take control of your path.

Leo | Lion (July 23 – August 22)

You’re like a cat chasing their tail! With so many possibilities in front of you, you are starting to lose sight of why you began this journey in the first place. You have a nurturing disposition and people naturally look to you to be a leader. But you don’t need to roar to get their attention, Lion! Leading by example can easily do the trick with minimal effort. Continue to be yourself and by the end of the semester you’ll have a clearer understanding of your purpose.

Virgo | The Virgin (August 23 – September 22)

You’ve learned to trust your intuition and let it guide you to make choices that are best for you. Congratulations! In doing so you’ve begun to reap the rewards of all your hard work. Dean’s List, anyone?! With so many achievements you’ve become swept up in a whirlwind of fabulous celebrations and new opportunities. Before diving headfirst into a new position, use that practicality to ask the right questions and get all the facts of a situation before passing judgement. You’re one of the most detail-oriented signs in the zodiac, use it to your advantage.

Libra | Scale (September 23 – October 23)

You built such a solid foundation for yourself coming into this semester that you may begin to get frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Patience is the only virtue you are lacking and when you lose patience, you lose your cool! Trust the process and remember this isn’t a time for any negative self-talk. The moment you begin to doubt yourself your momentum will slow down. Take the time to check in with financial aid or attend an upcoming financial workshop to make sure your money is in order as you prepare for this new phase of your life.

Scorpio | Scorpion (October 24 – November 21)

A deep and intense sign, you are never one to back down from a challenge as you understand this is where you grow the most. You endured a lot to achieve a school-work-life balance and are beginning to see how all aspects of your life can work in harmony together. Now that you’ve gotten that out of the way, it is time to move into your personal power. You have the determination to be victorious in your pursuits, the only question is: will you be disciplined? It would fare you well to remember that you have support within you and around you to achieve your desired goals.

Sagittarius | The Archer (November 22 – December 21)

Half human, half horse, you know that it takes trust to create a committed connection or partnership. This can also mean learning to trust yourself. Your beliefs or actions may be questioned by your own tribe and that’s okay. Stand your ground where needed but be open to new strategies if you get stuck. Take any opportunity to find resources available to you on campus like speaking with your counselor or grabbing a snack at the Viking Vault to refuel. You are naturally courageous and know how to master your innate abilities. Stay focused on your goal and you will reach it with ease a grace. 

Capricorn | Sea-Goat/Mountain-Goat (December 22 – January 19)

Goal oriented goats prepared for the semester by facing problems with an air of calm instead of getting bogged down by the changes to their schedule. It’s as if you’ve learned to adapt to opposing forces overnight, and good thing because it’s allowing you to see your next steps as if they were drawn in the stars just for you. If you feel a wave of adrenaline to pull an all-nighter and still make it to your lunch shift, then do so with enthusiasm. Your peers will be drawn to your infectious energy and may even lend a helping hand along the way. Not that you need it, Cap, but we do get by with a little help from our friends!

Aquarius | Water Bearer (January 20 – February 18)

You spent the summer being comfortable in your skin and it shows, Aqua! You’ve learned to turn your nurturing nature inward and have achieved a new level of confidence that has propelled you forward into the semester with great power. Use this creative force to find a newfound passion. It’s time to start planning for your goals long term, instead of hopping from one idea to the next. It might be time to reconsider your major or dream school. A huge change is coming your way. Take the time to reap the benefits of your rewards and know that you have the solution to any problem.

Pisces | Fish (February 19 – March 20)

You’ve come at a crossroads. It’s as if you can’t decide which path to take, but you are enjoying this period of calm as you contemplate your next move. It’s important that you continue to glide through these waters at a pace that feels right to you. You already possess the skills needed to achieve your goals now it’s time to align yourself with like minded people and situations. Take any opportunity to meet new people or plan an outing with your classmates. A conversation with them may just spark your next idea. 


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