Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeLifestyleLisa Duckworth is given gracious recognition for her ethics

Lisa Duckworth is given gracious recognition for her ethics

By Martin Koev

As the beginning of a semester approaches, students may be filled with anxiety over the wide array of tasks that they must complete before that first day. 

According to Long Beach City College student, Gregg Lee, Lisa “Duckie” Duckworth is one of the few Long Beach City College assistants who are willing to give a legitimate helping hand.

“It’s been a challenge for us because we had to move out of the neighborhood. Right now I live 70 miles away and I’m trying to finish my college degree at LBCC,” said Lee. 

Culinary and dietary major Gregg Lee currently lives in San Bernardino with his wife Jennifer. 

Each trip to and from LBCC reportedly costs him about 50 dollars.

“She went over to check if I had an appointment for that day because I never got an email and it’s just a small favor, but she goes out of her way to take care of things,” said Gregg Lee.

Gregg needed to enroll in two more classes in order to graduate from LBCC and the process leading up to registration was far from simple.

“My husband Gregg is still going to school out there. In my personal opinion, they’ve been giving him the running down like they do a lot when it comes to graduation,” said Jennifer Lee, Gregg Lee’s wife and LBCC Alumni.

Jennifer had the idea of contacting Duckworth for assistance with Gregg’s scheduling issue, as she had known Duckworth from when she was previously a student at LBCC.

“Duckie is always there for people with disabilities,” said Jennifer.

“It’s just really, really, really nice that somebody is actually there as empathetic as that woman is still helping people with disabilities,” said the LBCC alumni.

According to Jennifer, Duckworth is not only exceptional with her role in DSPS, she is infatuated with it.

“They’re going to have to take her out kicking and screaming before she leaves that job.” 

Gregg and Jennifer are just a few of many students that have been passionately assisted by Duckworth.

Lisa Duckworth declined to comment, citing HIPAA, the Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act and FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Both acts were designed to protect student rights and ensure them privacy.


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