Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeOpinionOpinion: College students deserve an extended Thanksgiving break

Opinion: College students deserve an extended Thanksgiving break

By Arlene Hawkins

Thanksgiving week is hectic enough as it is with your visiting family floating in and out of your homes and the added stress of trying to meet the transfer deadlines, Long Beach City College should extend Thanksgiving break to the whole week instead of the two days already given.

LBCC giving students a week off would give students a sense of relief, whether they need to watch younger siblings, work, or focus all their energy on meeting the transfer deadline.

Most college students are in the process of finishing up their transfer applications for fall semester at universities which can take a lot of time gathering information. 

If we had the whole week to complete our transfer applications, it would ensure that they are done correctly and on time, opposed to being rushed and incorrect.

As a student who is transferring myself, the process is not easy because obstacles such as needing to get financial statuses from my parents, getting my high school transcript, and past test scores.

Having that week off would be something very beneficial for me and I’m sure other students.

LBCC should be considerate of students who come from out of town or even out of state. There is no logic in catching a flight the day before Thanksgiving, which is one of the busiest flying times, just to come back 3 days later.

People have to pay for their travel fare, work around their job schedule and talk to their professors about missing class and making up missed work. 

Missing classes to leave for a holiday can affect student grades if assignments are being done or tests are given that cannot be taken at a separate time. 

College students range from late teens to elderly who all have certain responsibilities to uphold while getting ready for the holiday.

To add to the stress, the challenges of helping prepare a whole meal in one day and entertaining guests doesn’t lighten the load when students have class in the days leading up to the holiday.

In contrast to college students, high school students do not have to worry about finals as they are still in their first semester of school and take midterms at the end of January. 

High school students have three weeks to rest and another whole six months before they receive their final grade. College students should be allowed to have the privilege of having all five weekdays to calmly get ready for the holiday and do their studies in peace.

Thanksgiving is a time to relax and spend time with your family, it is only right that us college students get the week off we deserve.


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