Presidential candidates:
With eight presidential candidates participating in the forum hosted by Univision, the presidential hopefuls came prepared to talk about any subject.
Both top Democratic candidates did not show up to the fall endorsing convention, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren were both critsized during the forum.

Delegates and supporters:
With over 500 delegates attending the Democratic convention, many supported their respective candidate, even if they didn’t attend.
Delegates took over the show room floor, setting up booths and giving away merchandise from their candidate.

The Democratic convention did not go unnoticed by some supporters, a small group of Trump supporters decided to set up shop right outside of the Long Beach Convention Center.
Many walked right passed them, but many delegates decided to confront them. One confrontation leading to a brawl that became bloody.

Gun rally:
In the recent wake of the Saugus High School shooting, a gun rally was held on the steps of the Long Beach Convention Center.
The rally brought many to support, including Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

With over eight presidential candidates attending the fall endorsing convention, local politicians attended the event to show their support of the convention.
Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Maxine Waters made their marks on the convention, as both received a huge audience response whilst they were on stage.