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2020 resolutions by the signs

By Sabriyya Ghanizada

Aries | Ram (March 21 – April 19)

“Gossip less! Like way less.”

As a cardinal sign, you have an innate ability to lead and are always coming up with ideas, which is why you easily motivate those around you. It’s important that you speak highly of your friends and peers, in front of and behind their backs. Imagine what you could accomplish if you inspired without belittling others. Have you heard the phrase ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’ ? In 2020, take three seconds to think about what value your words are adding to a conversation before speaking. 

Taurus | Bull (April 20 – May 20)

“Be open to new ideas, places, people and things.”

Represented by the bull, Taurus can be known to be stubborn. As you approach 2020, open your eyes to new perspectives and different ways of approaching challenges. In doing so, you’ll find more balance and clarity in your decision making. Start by trying one small thing every day outside of your typical pattern, like ordering a different drink or driving the scenic route to work.

Gemini | Twins (May 21 – June 21)

“Accept your past and move on.”

You may have found yourself cringing from embarrassment one too many times this year because you just couldn’t forgive yourself for that awful thing you said that one time to your one friend. Chances are, they’ve moved on from it, and it’s time you do too. Once you begin to accept the things you consider mistakes, you’ll see them as lessons learned, which will help you judge yourself (and others) a lot less! Filled with symbolism, your dreams will be a very useful tool to you in 2020, so keep a journal by your bed to help you navigate your subconscious. 

Cancer | Crab (Jun 22-July 22)

“Pick a goal and stick to it.”

Even if it’s as small as drinking more water everyday or as big as opening up your new business, it’s time to follow through on at least ONE of your many goals of 2019. Write out a list of all unfinished business from this year and choose just one to stick to for 2020. Once you’ve accomplished it, no matter when it is, check that goal off and move on to the next one. 

Leo | Lion (July 23 – August 22)

“Practice gratitude.”

You’ve accomplished so many great things this year, Lion! But you’re never satisfied. Always wanting more. Bigger. Badder. Better. If you can appreciate all of your successes for what they are, you’ll be able to manifest even greater things into your life. Start by listing three things you are grateful for each day, even if you just say them into the mirror while you are getting ready or to yourself in the car while driving. Remember to be grateful for yourself. You couldn’t have gotten to where you are now without you!

Virgo | The Virgin (August 23 – September 22)

“Get a grip on your anxiety.”

Virgos love perfection. And to get to perfection, one must be patient. However, when a Virgo’s patience runs out, anxiety can come flooding in. If this year you found yourself getting so anxious about certain situations you weren’t able to adapt to or fix them, then it’s time to find the root source of your anxiety. Keep a log of when your anxiety gets triggered, or even seek professional help through a therapist. With more and more people owning up to their anxiety, there are plenty of resources available to you to begin to conquer your own! 

Libra | Scale (September 23 – October 23)

“Get in touch with nature.”

Libras are represented by a scale, a man made object. In fact, they are the only non-living object represented in the zodiac. Libra, sometimes you forget to enjoy the simple pleasures in life just by watching a sunset or going for a quick walk in the morning before you start your day. If you’ve been struggling with what goals to set for 2020, try to pick those that involve more outdoor activity. Sign up with a personal trainer who does outdoor sessions, make it a goal to walk your dog 5k every weekend or even choose the patio during your meals out. Whatever you decide, once you involve more fresh air (after all, you ARE an air sign) into your lifestyle you’ll be able to breathe clearly which will lead to more clarity. 

Scorpio | Scorpion (October 24 – November 21)

“Start a savings plan.”

You have so many goals! But they all involve that cash money, baby! You have the determination it takes to achieve your goals. Why not spend a little less on dope outfits or nights out, and put that cash in a stash? Start a savings with your credit union, or meet with a financial expert. 2020 is also the perfect time to start cleaning up your credit score. Make a goal for how much you want to save and be intentional about what you are saving for. So get specific! Then let them haters hate while you pile that money up! 

Sagittarius | The Archer (November 22 – December 21)

“Set your goals high.”

You have the gift of aim, Archer. For 2020, you’ll have to set your goals higher than you ever have before and not settle. Plan for the best but expect the worst. The road to the top is rocky so make sure you are ready to be adaptable. You’ll need to be in order to get to where you are going. 

Capricorn | Sea-Goat/Mountain-Goat (December 22 – January 19)

“Take on less responsibility.” 

Learn to let things flow. You shouldn’t have to force anything. You are a master delegator, use that skill to your advantage during group projects or work-related tasks. Allowing space for rest and relaxation will also make room for everything you’ve been working for leading into 2020.

Aquarius | Water Bearer (January 20 – February 18)

“Listen to your emotions.”

Use your emotions to help you, not hurt you. Be honest with yourself so you can tell others what you need. If a romantic relationship is on the horizon, let them know how you feel! A beautiful partnership filled with synergy may be just around the corner. 

Pisces | Fish (February 19 – March 20)

“Just keep swimming!”

Chances are you are smack dab in the middle of a goal you have for yourself. If that’s the case, keep it up! No matter how far along you are, you’re on your way there. Keep enjoying the journey to get to your goal, because this part is the most fun! This is where the lessons and growth are. Make sure to celebrate small successes and milestones along the way, but remain focused. 


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