Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeOpinionOpinion: Big trucks need to be mindful when parking on campus

Opinion: Big trucks need to be mindful when parking on campus

By Yeovanna Sandoval

No one likes an obnoxious parker, especially when a huge truck tries to squeeze into a compact parking spot, to avoid this common issue,  LBCC should enforce new rules for the LAC parking structure specified for drivers of non-compact cars. 

The main problem is that big SUVs and large trucks tend to park themselves on the opposite ends of a row, blocking the corner view, making it impossible to see what’s on the other side.

When a big car is parked at the end of the row, it becomes a visual obstacle for drivers who are turning opposite of each other. 

The white lines on parking spaces exist for a reason, it’s basically a guideline on how drivers should be parking within the lines by length and width. 

Many truck drivers don’t consider the fact that a majority of the parking spots are more suited  for compact cars, rather than much larger vehicles anyways.

Stacey Toda, Associate Director of Communications and Community Engagement, said that most students tend to not follow the rules, but they are finding ways on how to fix the issue.

As LBCC exploring new ways to fix the problem, the department can consider changes such as, designating a specific parking spot based on the size of the car, like the opposite to a compact spot, but only this time it would be a mandatory rule that is punishable with a ticket. 

That way, it would be essential for students to park in their appointed spaces giving students no other choice, but to respect such rule. 

If students’ don’t follow the guidelines they would have to pay the consequences of not doing so.

It may seem unfair, but this issue can easily prevent an accident from occurring and make parking in the structure a lot easier.

Of course, not all the cars that are compacted are the same size, but that doesn’t give truck drivers the right to make themselves fit in a parking spot, where they clearly don’t fit. 

The Wall Street Journal mentioned that taller trucks and SUVs often block views, park at weird angles and make it difficult to get in and out.

Not saying that having a bigger car is a bad thing, but drivers need to be wise and considerate when deciding where to park their vehicle.

The level of safety within the structure could potentially increase now that cars will be more aware of what’s coming towards them.

This change will not only benefit compact drivers, but can also benefit truck drivers as well by avoiding getting their vehicles hit.


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