Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeOpinionCrime or artistry?

Crime or artistry?

By Sanaa Dickson

Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually as a form of artistic expression, without permission and within public view. This type of art should be appreciated, not condemned.

Graffiti should not be seen as vandalism or illegal because the person that’s doing the art is just expressing themselves.

Many people fail to realize how truly artistic these people are because they’re scared that it is gang-related.

It’s unfair for graffiti artists to be labeled as a threat to the city or just simply putting vandalism everywhere, even though they’re putting out their art for others to see.

Graffiti has been around for years and is currently being noticed more by the world.

In recent years graffiti has become more widely accepted by Street Art Throwdown, a show on the Oxygen Network and Physical Graffiti events that display works of graffiti art.

Banksy, a well-known anonymous graffiti artist, is known and loved for his artwork on the streets of England.

He’s able to communicate with his art and is able to see things that others can’t.

Graffiti artists aren’t criminals and they’re not violent people, they’re just putting their work out there so other people can enjoy it.

It is not the artist’s intention to have their work viewed as a negative to society and the world ought to understand art can be expressed in many different ways, being that it doesn’t always mean you have to pick up a canvas and paint brushes to create.

There are limits to spray painting, but graffiti artists are aware of the placement of their art, when and where to spray paint.

Some artists try to avoid spray painting on personal belongings or community-owned buildings such as hospitals and community centers.

The true beauty of what it means to be an actual artist can be seen through the talent these artists display throughout cities.

Personally, graffiti catches my attention because a planned, displayed art installation on a building, like a mural, comes to life and is culturally important. 

Major cities like New York have a lot of graffiti on walls, but only some people consider them appealing and others see it as vandalism.

Insteading of holding judgment for this art form, society should examine it and see how creative someone can be.

With that, artists will gain positive recognition for their creations, rather than be seen as criminal.


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