Voters arrived at PCC to cast their vote in the general election on November 3rd, which is the final day to vote.
Voters were making their final decisions at PCC to drop off their mail-in ballot or vote in person to be counted in the 2020 general election.
Poll workers have been working steadily since the first day of early voting began to the final day of November 3rd as the final voters turned in their ballots.
Poll worker Tiffany Davy has seen consistent attendance since day one of early voting began. This was due to voters taking advantage of having early voting options.
“It is consistent in early voting and we have more voters taking voting in general elections over the primary,” Davy said.
Donald Johnson voted on election day and hopes to see change for the better at a federal level.
“I expect them to reach to the people and co-operate to work together to make huge changes,” Johnson said.
Alma Estrada came to vote on election day in person because it was her day off and had positive views of prop 22 and candidate Joe Biden.
“It makes sense to support that measure to give drunk people the option to get a ride [rather] than drive drunk,” Estrada said in Spanish when talking about the benefits of proposition 22.
Estrada also said, “I have voted for Biden since he can make the situation better.”
Lisa Yang voted in person on election day since she hadn’t yet decided who to vote for.
“I’m hoping to see divestment in the police and more investment in green technology and more diversity as well,” Yang said.
“I like the proposition where people who are on parole have the ability to vote since they still do have the right to vote, and the removal of the cash bail system,” Yang said in remarks of the state measures.
Goddey Amadi voted in person today because he felt more confident than he had previously felt, and wants to see a more unified nation.
“We need a more unified country, we are one and not to be divided,” Amadi said
Amadi also said, “I voted for Biden since he has the same agenda as I have.”
It is one of the most important and the biggest election in their lifetime according to Davy.