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HomeNewsLong Beach local organization fights to end human trafficking

Long Beach local organization fights to end human trafficking

By Michelle Lyons

A decade ago, Long Beach resident Jennifer Keltner began to raise awareness about human trafficking. In January, 2018  Keltner finally decided to quit her corporate job to start her own non-profit, Rescue Party Give.

Keltner is a Christian. She said, “God put it on my heart to help end this global crisis. Human trafficking is a 150 billion-dollar industry with approximately 40 million victims, 5 million are children under 13 years old.”

Rescue Party Give is not a typical non-profit fighting against human trafficking. Their goal is to collaborate with corporations, government officials, law enforcement officers and churches to eradicate human trafficking.

Keltner said that many aspects of our society contribute to human trafficking.

Keltner stated, “Examples, such as legalizing prostitution, promoting the objectification of young children and the mental and physical abuse on young minds. Kids are growing up to be more vulnerable, more susceptible to being victims.”

These are just a few concerns for Rescue Party Give.  Keltner said, “Social media and the internet are creating the demand for modern day slavery.”

Keltner said she believes the best way to end human trafficking is at the source. She said, “Sting operations will not eliminate a billion-dollar industry. The root of the issue is mental health. Why are victims not valuing themselves? The human body is priceless.  We need to ask, what can society do to increase young women’s self-worth?”

Keltner raises money to fight human trafficking by hosting events. Her first event was called, “A Night for Freedom.” Artists painted what represented freedom to them, and then they auctioned off the paintings.  

Also at the auction, Keltner played a video educating the audience on global human trafficking. “What stunned the audience the most was discovering that the average age of a victim is 12 years old,” said Keltner.

Dana Kelley, an attendee at Keltner’s first event, is now a board member. “I first heard about the shocking statistics and realization of human trafficking in 2016 at a woman’s conference. I believe when we are all aware, we can all be the solution.”

Collectively collaborating is the real solution. Rescue Party Give has started working alongside Long Beach Human Trafficking Taskforce to end what they call “modern day slavery.”

Rescue Party Give is a global organization, and the taskforce is a local organization. 

The Long Beach Human Trafficking Taskforce’s primary focus is to end trafficking in Long Beach and build awareness, while Rescue Party Give is focused on ending human trafficking worldwide.

“India and Brazil are the countries with the highest human trafficking rates, and the Superbowl is the highest single weekend of human trafficking,” said Keltner.

On December 10, 2020 the taskforce hosted a virtual conference to discuss Cyber Safety in the City of Long Beach.

Next month is National Human Trafficking Awareness month.  Rescue Party Give will be announcing a campaign that will raise awareness globally.  Check out their website ( to learn more on how you can participate with their awareness campaign.  They will create a virtual “Fashion Show for Freedom” on January 24, 2021. 

Rescue Party Give is also accepting donations on their website.  They recently donated Keltner’s photo exhibit entitled, “God will end it with Love” to the Youth Empowerment Safety Symposium held at the Salvation Army of Long Beach.  

Rescue Party Give hopes to work with the Salvation Army again in 2021.


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