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HomeLifestyleEnglish majors & minors club are hosting an open mic this Friday

English majors & minors club are hosting an open mic this Friday

by Ileen Carrillo

On May 21, the english majors & minors club at Long Beach City College will host an online open mic Zoom event. It’s scheduled from 6:00 pm through 8:00 pm. 

This month’s host, Heidie Sanenz said, “It’s just a way for anybody to express themselves…that’s the really important thing especially now. Since other people are not able to interact with people outside. A way to let all of that stuff we have inside of us you know.”

Those wanting to participate in open mic can sign up by clicking here. The link also has information for future open mics. There is no need to register in advance to attend the event. The link will take you to the website with the Zoom link. 

She mentioned newcomers are welcomed with open arms.

Sanenz said, “Just expect an open environment…everyone is really nice in our club, they’re not intimidating.”

Vickie Wippel, a regular who attends open mics at LBCC said, “I would tell people that it’s a very encouraging and welcoming crowd. It’s a great chance to practice reading out loud, and honing your craft, and it’s a good opportunity to put yourself out there which isn’t always easy to do.”

Typically, it’s a social gathering for the students. It’s a chance to interact with people with the same interests or hobbies as one another, especially those interested in writing.  

There isn’t going to be any theme this year because it won’t be as expressive via Zoom.

This event only has two rules; to be respectful of another’s work, and no hate speech is allowed.  

Wippel will be sharing her own original poems during this open mic. She likes to write poems that talk about different adventures and her emotions.

The story she’ll be reading aloud is called, “Somebunny,” which is set in the south and the time setting is 75 years ago. 

Sanenz said, “Poetry is art, it takes time and dedication to put things together, and convey to others.”

Sanenz will be participating in the open mic, usually she does this to break the ice or any tension.

Sanenz’s content of poems are mainly sexual, emotional, and a bit more depressing but she describes them as inspiring and beautiful. 

Any student interested visit the LBCC Creative Writing website.


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