Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeOpinionOpinion: LBUSD should not host an in-person graduation this year

Opinion: LBUSD should not host an in-person graduation this year

As another school year comes to a close, the discussion whether in-person graduations will take place this year is still up for debate for some schools. However, LBUSD has announced that they will be having in-person graduation for all high schools between June 9 and June 15. 

I believe that having in-person graduation while we are still dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic is a mistake and should not take place this year.

Despite the number of cases of Covid-19 dropping in California to about 1.1% of Covid-19 tests coming up positive, according to the Covid-19 California official website, the reason that these cases are dropping is because people have been following the CDC guidelines to prevent the spread since last year.

LBUSD should make the responsible decision, by canceling the in-person graduation and either conduct a drive-thru graduation or virtual graduation through Zoom. 

While it is disappointing for students not being able to graduate in-person, it is much better to not risk your health, and possibly spread it to others.

Over the weekend, the CDC had announced that people that have been fully vaccinated do not have to wear a mask. “Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance,” according to the CDC website. 

Since people do not have to show that they have received the vaccine, there is no way to ensure that everyone has been vaccinated at graduation, there will be a high risk of spreading Covid-19. 

Another big issue with hosting graduation is managing the social distance between the many people that will be in attendance. 

There will be some safety measures that will be taking place such as requiring masks, temperature checks and keeping people in their own group. However, despite the big venue for graduation and safety precautions, it is likely that it will be almost impossible to make sure people stay in their own groups during the entire event. 

By hosting a big event such as a graduation, LBUSD is putting the students graduating, the families that will attend the event, the people hosting and working the event’s health at risk. 

Two-thirds of capacity will be allowed during the graduation which is over 7,000 people and that it is a big liability for the LBUSD to host a big event like this.

While it may be the unpopular opinion to want to cancel such an important life event, it is the responsible act to do.


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