On Sept. 13, 2021 guests were admitted inside the rally by invitation where they eagerly awaited the arrival of President Joe Biden and Governor Gavin Newsom. After an introduction from Gov. Gavin Newsom reminding people that former President Donald Trump’s legacy was still alive among members of our society, President Biden gave a speech urging attendees to recognize how important this election was for the future of Californians.

Protesters outside the rally gathered at parking lot structure I of LBCC’ LAC-campus, where many yelled out chants about their dislike of Newsom’s COVID-19 lockdowns and mask mandates. Many pro recall demonstrators argued against the recent vaccine mandates, claiming it was a breach of their rights as American citizens.

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ‘Stop the Recall’ rally ended the same evening, and President Joe Biden departed California the following morning through Long Beach Airport using Air force One. Newsom’s ‘Stop the Recall’ rally was a success to his reelection as his victory was made public one day after the election, which took place on September 14, 2021.