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Photo Gallery: Abortion activists protest at CSULB against the Roe v. Wade draft opinion

Photos and story by Craig Roberts

Tensions have been running high as a result of the Supreme Court’s recent draft leak to overturn Roe v. Wade, which were reflected on the California State University of Long Beach’s campus on Thursday, May 5 with protestors chanting explicit vocabulary.

A crowd gathered at the Go Beach sign on West Campus Drive and Beach Drive, just outside Brotman Hall with a clear message. Which was that the Supreme Court had gone too far.

The protest began with familiarizing the crowd with the chants and general message they wanted to deliver, their anger reflected with the explicit language the signs contained.

Jennifer Chavez rallied the crowd in support of Roe v. Wade at CSULB outside of Brotman Hall on May 5, 2022. Photo by Craig Roberts.

Chavez was one of the main leaders and organizers of the event who wanted to get more than just students but the whole community in on this issue.

She succeeded in this to a degree as there were some older folks from around the community and city as a whole attending.

Siblings Briana (left) and Laura (right) Krank, joined students in their protest at CSULB on May 5 and plan on attending as many protests as possible. Photo by Craig Roberts.

After about 30 minutes of preparation and waiting for more stragglers to join, they began their march through campus with what felt like an angry yet passionate attitude.

Protestors made their way through the campus from West Campus Drive and Beach Drive in a loop at CSULB. The protest went through the heart of the campus, going past the college of science, several lecture halls, and main areas where students gathered. Photo by Craig Roberts.

When they looped back around, they picked up the tempo and moved from the sidewalks to the streets.

Protestors took over West Campus Drive at CSULB on May 5, 2022 to demonstrate their anger with the Supreme Court draft to overturn Roe v. Wade. Photo by Craig Roberts.

The procession went down Beach Drive, past the Student Health Services building all while chanting things such as “Hey hey, ho ho, the supreme court has got to go”.

Apparently the student health services center wasn’t aware of the demonstration as one of the nurses, Raul Barriga, was surprised when asked about the demonstration before it began.

“Didn’t know anything about this. Definitely not here, I can tell you that much,” Barriga said.

Beach Drive at CSULB on May 5, 2022 saw protestors delivering their message in support of Roe v. Wade in light of the draft opinion to overturn the landmark case. Photo by Craig Roberts.

Continuing, they went around the corner onto Earl Warren Drive past the dorms before turning back toward Brotman Hall. They had one more stop though, the College of Business. 

Earl Warren Drive at CSULB was but one leg of the march against the Supreme Court draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade on May 5, 2022. Photo by Craig Roberts.
Sheila Bates, who is part of Black Lives Matter and regularly represents the cause in Long Beach, spoke at the protest and took part in the march. Here, she overlooked the demonstration in front of the College of Business at CSULB on May 5, 2022.

The crowd then made their way back to the Go Beach sign where more speakers presented what they had on their minds while others promoted their platform. Some were very professional, others not so much.

The protest started to die down around 5:15 p.m. and fully concluded shortly after. The general attitude and outtake at the end was that the day was a success as the crowd cheered several times while finishing up.


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