On Wednesday, students came together for Friendsgiving to celebrate each other and what they’re grateful for.
Games were dotted around the quad at LAC as a live music performance accompanied the festivities. Thanksgiving cards were placed on the tables that filled the quad.
But a Friendsgiving celebration wouldn’t be complete without food which came from Chick-fil-A and vegetarian friendly meal boxes from Subway.
The musical performance was done by “Cat Hall Band”, who added to the atmosphere of coming together by talking to students while on stage.

“It’s very important to have events like this,” said Buddy Villlalobos, the drummer for Cat Hall Band. “It pulls students together, they need music.”
While students were waiting in line for the food to arrive, student and volunteer Mario Martinez, helped clean and organize the serving table.
“Since the pandemic, events like the Friendsgiving today have been able to bring everyone closer,” said Martinez. “To anyone who is scared to come to these events, you won’t know what you are missing until you try it out.”
The cards at the many tables on the quad were for students to write what they are grateful for, where many students were writing and talking amongst their peers.
“I really appreciate LBCC making the cards for us, it’s nice to write about what you’re grateful for,” said Carly Herrera, a student at LBCC.

Behind the scenes, student life coordinators were seen bringing in the food, talking to students and making sure the music aspect of the event was running smoothly.
Norman Barsugli, the lead for student life as well as a student at LBCC emphasized the work that is put into organizing events like Friendsgiving.
“We have to post the event around campus, find volunteers, order food in advance, find live music, and so much more,” said Barsugli. “But it is all worth it for the students. This is where you build friendships that last a lifetime, this is where you network. As a lead, it’s an enriching and rewarding experience.”
After one hour the food ran out, with some students eating their food around campus on their way to classes or between them.