An informative meeting was held from the K building on Zoom Tuesday afternoon about paid art internship opportunities being offered and hosted by the L.A. County Department of Arts and Culture.
A slideshow presentation was organized by Martin Hernandez, senior program associate at the L.A. County Department of Arts and Culture, accompanied by his colleague Sam Avita, a program associate at LA County Department of Arts and Culture.
172 organizations applied to the program and requested 303 different positions. Of those 303 positions, the L.A. County Department of Arts and Culture were able to fund 228 internship positions and 157 organizations.
These 400 hour arts administration internships range from marketing, arts education, production, administration, audience services, city engagement and development, fundraising, event planning, graphic design and research and evaluation.
“All interns will be paid a total of $6,760 at a rate of $16.90 an hour with a total of 400 hours,” Avita announced.
Payroll taxes will apply to that $16.90 wage which will ultimately be deducted from the $6,760 total.
Students must be a currently enrolled undergraduate at either a four-year university or community college and must reside in or attend school in the L.A. county in order to apply.
For DACA recipients and international students, work authorization will be required before applying to any of the positions.
“There are opportunities to have an internship at the government level in the arts, which is a really, really unique and a really, really exciting opportunity,” Hernandez said.

A majority of these internships will be launched to the website of the LA County Department of Arts and culture on April 3, 2023. Their website can be found at .
The website is not where students will be applying, but simply a job board to help them find new opportunities.
When applying, students should look for the “how to apply” section to help guide them through each organization’s application process.
“As long as you come with a good attitude and are ready to learn new skills, you’re going to be successful in this program,” Avita said.
Interns can start working in this program from June 1st, 2023 through March 1st, 2024.