Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeLifestyleLBCC Honors Program celebrates honors students at a banquet

LBCC Honors Program celebrates honors students at a banquet

By Andrea Lawrence

Over 20 LBCC Honors Students joined the 2023 graduating class with the vast majority beginning online during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These students were celebrated for the completion of their honors coursework and upcoming graduation on Tuesday evening at the Honors Program Banquet held in the P-building courtyard from 6 to 8 p.m. 

Throughout the pandemic,  many honors students were able to maintain the required 3.25 GPA while taking at least one honors course per semester.

“It was definitely challenging at times because it was on Zoom and it was something I had to adjust to,” said honors student Emily Carrillo.

President scholars possess the same expectations as honors students but must have a 3.75 GPA or higher to sustain the president scholar distinction.

For president scholar A.J. Mackewicz,  her motivation and support to continue stemmed from her mother.

“The stories from my mom when she was in the Philippines helped motivate me,” Mackewic said. 

“She told me that there are so many opportunities here and that I should take advantage of them the best I can.” 

The banquet began with a group photo, including a catered dinner. Awards were presented shortly after.

Honors students were individually sent personal emails inviting honors students and family members to the celebration.

“This banquet is in acknowledgement for everything the graduating honors students have done here,” said LBCC Alumni and Anthropology Professor Janine Pliska.

After the ceremony Honors faculty, students and family members ended the night with a slice of cake.


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