The freaks come out at night normally, but everyone there at Long Beach City College Liberal Arts campus was every type of ghost, goblin and cartoon character you can think of was in attendance.
Festivities started roughly at 11:30 am with multiple stations of food and beverages tents scattered throughout the E Quad.
Underneath the tents placed at the center of the quad there were tables and chairs to get away from the heat.
Outside on the grass nearing the quad there were theme park basketball games, giant size connect four as well as a DJ spinning some of yesterdays and today’s popular hits.
At center stage there was a 360 degree camera for those in attendance to take their picture in their costume.
Faculty and students alike participated in a costume contest.

The top three student costumes were the Porta Potty, Chainsaw Handman and what seemed to be student favorite Baby Shrek.
Each department of the faculty was supposed to wear a costume from which they chose a specific theme.
“Our department decided on a Rainbow Brite theme and each of us were assigned a color, hence the green dinosaur(dressed as a green dinosaur),” said Student Equity faculty member, Eric Becerra.
“In comparison to Halloween parties we’ve held in the past. Last year’s party was on a smaller scale than this years.”
Students who chose to participate in the costume contest lined up one by one behind the center stage.
“I’m a 90’s baby and I grew up watching WWF, ” said LBCC Media Producer, Brad Crihfield , dressed as the late wrestling superstar Macho Man Randy Savage
“I didn’t attend last year, but I am having a good time seeing everyone else’s costumes, ” said sophomore AJ Langley who was dressed as Count Dracula and participated in the student costume contest.
Overall the spirit of Halloween was alive on campus. Everyone from Aladdin and Princess Jasmine, Maleficent, Super Mario, the Carebears, Frankenstein’s Bride, Nemo, Sexy Shrek and many more costumes that deserve an honorable mention.
Way to keep the “spirits” alive on all Hallow’s Eve.