Long Beach City College hosted its 3rd Annual Performing Arts Showcase on Thursday, February 29, at the LBCC Nordic Lounge
The Performing Arts Showcase was one of many LBCC student run Black History Month celebrations that took place this academic year.
“It was just a beautiful thing to be able to see all of these creative students here at LBCC.” said Tianti Mhonaé, current LBCC student participant at the event.

Tianti Mhonaé also known as “Concrete Rose” performed her spoken word and was one of many participants at the Performing Arts Showcase this year.
“I absolutely loved it from the music, to the dance to also some of the the other spoken word that was up there as well.” said Mhonaé
In addition to various spoken word performances, the event showcased multiple student art exhibits, dance interpretations, musical performances, and trivia, all paying tribute to Black History Month

“The people that were here really were enjoying the atmosphere and the performances tonight,” said audience member Kimoji Brown.
“I really did enjoy the spoken word tonight. It was very eccentric and very dope to see.” said LBCC student Tremell Brooks.
Kyshia Hearns, Umoja club secretary and stage manager for the event, said, “Today’s event actually had the biggest turnout we’ve ever seen. We had performers from all over Long Beach City. Middle schoolers, former college student alumni, and current students all came to represent. It was crucial to have diverse Black representation, especially during this month.”

“It made me feel special and appreciated for my work. I loved seeing the poetry slam and the rapping and art and us finishing the event off was really nice.” said LBCC dance group choreographer for the event Drew Bell.
“Today’s event was so inspiring. I am honored that they allowed me to get on the stage and share my art and have that opportunity to inspire others and move people through my words.” said Mhonaé after the event.
LBCC staff member Bree Pinkerton and Chrishaad Moye, Umoja counselor coordinator co hosted the 3rd Annual Performing Arts Showcase that piloted in 2022
“This is one of the biggest turnouts we’ve had. I think it went very well” said Pinkerton “Just seeing the work that we are doing, seeing it happen, we are putting words to action.”
LBCC looks forward to hosting other Black History Month celebrations for years to come.