Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeOpinionOpinion: Advertising issues confuse students and leave them uninformed

Opinion: Advertising issues confuse students and leave them uninformed

By Neil Gagna

Between falsely advertised events and a lack of efficient advertising all together, Long Beach City College has a significant issue with promoting their events.

A major component of any college are the events they hold and there is no point in holding events if nobody knows they are happening.

This makes advertising an important task and LBCC needs to work on ways to improve the way they distribute information.

Recently the college held an event that was centered around the book “Gender Queer,” by Maia Kobabe, and the advertisements for the event made it seem like the author would be in attendance and Kobabe was not.

While this may not have been on purpose, it is still unacceptable as the presence of this author would change the event entirely.

The issues go on however, as many school events have poor attendance where one, two or no students show up at all.

The school’s inconsistency leads to wasted resources used to put events together like time, money, and wasted venues.

On top of events for students not being well advertised, there is a lack of emphasis put on notable sporting events at LBCC.

Recently, LBCC’s women’s basketball team upset the number one seed in their region, Mount San Antonio, and went on to play for the State Championship. 

This accomplishment was not sent out as an email announcement by the school. 

This was a huge event in the college’s sports scene, yet it received almost no appreciation or recognition from the school itself.

Not recognizing your best teams when they make it to high stakes games is a big problem. 

Not only do you sacrifice the potential attendance of students who would go to the game if they knew it was happening, but it also takes attention away from student athletes who work hard to get to where they are during the season.

By filling out an online contact sheet or non-academic complaint form on the schools website, you can make a difference and show Long Beach City College that their advertising is not to the standard it should be.


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