Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeOpinionOpinion: We need to rethink the way we celebrate Graduates

Opinion: We need to rethink the way we celebrate Graduates

By Lolita Mojica

For the people who have to attend them, college graduations are a long, daunting affair that inevitably feels like more of a chore rather than an opportunity to celebrate loved ones. 

The most exciting moment is the few seconds during which the person they came to see walks across the stage to receive a blank piece of paper. 

Not only are graduation ceremonies too long but they also tend to leave people baking in the sweltering sun. 

As Long Beach City College continues to strive for creating an experience that is reflective of the needs of students, it’s time to reconsider their approach to graduation. 

Rather than one large ceremony during which students and their loved ones have to sit through the naming of hundreds of people, individual ceremonies should be held by department. 

With less students to accommodate, these ceremonies could be held in the quad or even the auditorium. 

Another benefit of smaller ceremonies would be the opportunity for more students to give speeches and share their experiences. 

For a college that is big on fostering a sense of belonging, incorporating a variety of personal anecdotes into the graduation ceremony is another way to add to the atmosphere of inclusivity. 

Every graduation ceremony comes with a speech from the valedictorian which is great but what about the stories from students who fought through obstacles to reach their goal?

Not every student is going to be at the top of their class but the fact that they finished is a feat worth celebrating. 

Smaller graduation ceremonies would make it so that average students don’t get lost in the sea of hundreds but rather have their moment to shine as well. 

I’m Smaller graduation ceremonies are ones that students and faculty are more likely to attend. A celebration should not feel like a chore but rather a joyous occasion following one’s dedication to their studies.


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