Amidst adversity, a Long Beach City College student stands as a testament to perseverance, transforming her personal battles into a narrative filled with drive...
Long Beach City College trustees voted to recognize May as Jewish American Heritage Month alongside Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi Heritage Month on Wednesday...
In his two seasons at Long Beach City College, humble and passionate dive coach and alumnus Shane Butler has impressively transformed the Viking dive...
Long Beach City College President’s ambassador Shamonique Harris has been announced as the incoming Associated Student Body president for the 2024-25 school year.
With over...
Ten of Long Beach City College’s track and field athletes qualified in this year’s state championships highlighting a successful season for the program.
Although nobody...
Legendary trumpet player famous for his work in “The Incredibles” soundtrack and in Maynard Ferguson's big band, Wayne Bergeron will headline Long Beach City...
In a day of protests, social media, international communication, accessible information and critical thinking classes, students need to obtain a similar level of cultural...