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HomeLifestyleEnglish faculty and students gather every Thursday for open-mic poetry

English faculty and students gather every Thursday for open-mic poetry

Story by Donavin Morris Photos by Abel Reyes

English majors and professors gather for a poetry open mic outside the P building at LAC on Oct. 4 at noon.

The English department usually meet up every Thursday once a month at noon,  so students have the opportunity to share their poetry.

They usually meet inside the P building but the English department’s room is being renovated so the open mic was set outside to attract more students.

Students used their poetry to express their thoughts, emotions, things they’re passionate about, to bring awareness.

English professor Jason Casem knew he wanted to instruct an English class shortly after attending LBCC.

Casem likes to write his poems based off his experiences in his younger days at the beach in Hawaii.

Casem’s philosophy of poetry is “if there is no change, there is no story,” he explains that the audience should leave the open mic being influenced in whatever his or her poem was about.

Damon Moore is the president of the English major and minors club. Moore writes to show people how it is to be into others peoples shoes, to take them out their own reality and put in it into someone else’s.

“Escapism for myself and the reader, to bring other people’s reality into someone else’s shoes,” said Moore to escape from whatever situation they are in instead of resorting to negative things.

Rebekah Wressler was the host at the open mic; she used one of her poems for her political opinions on judge Brett Kavanagah. She explained that every poet has a different goal or different story to tell.

Wressler’s philosophy on poetry is to write with expression. “Everyone has a different focus,” Wressler said.

One of two Tim Potter’s book, Potter spoke at the open mic at LAC on Oct. 4 2018. Potter recited poems from his previous book, “Take A Shot At The Monster”

Poet Tim Potter wrote a piece that brought awareness of World War 2 which was called, “Coventry 6596.”

Potter has been writing off and on since the 1960’s and has published his first novel in 2008 “Take a Shot at the Monster.”

Potter said that he writes for release of emotion and a way to cope with different situations.

The English majors and minors club is open for anyone who is interested in poetry, they meet up every Thursday from 12 p.m.-1 p.m.


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