Thursday, March 20, 2025
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Opinion: Voting is not enough

The 50-48 vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as an associate justice of the Supreme Court on Saturday has left some people discouraged, excited, and even energized.

To those who do feel disappointed about Kavanaugh’s confirmation, this is not a time to feel like your voice will not be heard but rather a time to step up and do more than vote.

For those that are having feelings of discouragement and a loss of faith in our system there is more to be done than voting in the upcoming November election.

Being active in your community and reaching out to reluctant voters is a proactive way to do more than going to the polls.

A way to reach out to your community is to join a 1-800 Hotline to help inform voters on sample ballot booklets, poll locations, and ensuring accessibility of information to voters and those who are interested.

Attending city council meetings are an important way to be active in your city’s current issues and to hear what is the latest topic of conversation. By attending a city council meeting, you have the opportunity to have your voice heard by those who have authority in the decision making process.

Consider joining a non-partisan political organization like The League of Women Voters who host candidate forums and debates for the public to be a part of as well as supporting women’s rights and voting.

There are other organizations available that support a variety of issues that may align to more than one political value.

One political organization that is dedicated to push for more choice for voters and better representation to every citizen is the National Association of Nonpartisan Reformers. According to their website, the nonpartisan organization “established an association of nonpartisan, reformerd-oriented organizations and individuals that can facilitate shared resources, and establish common objectives.”

Regardless of party affiliation or beliefs this is a time where voting is only the first step in getting active in politics.

Calling the elected officials is one way to get in touch with issues taking place in your district and having the official hear the constituents voice. The most simple way to contact or find an elected official is to visit

Voting is one way to be active in your community and the political process, but there is always more to be done. Voting is just one way out of many to get your voice heard, for example participating in a 1-800 Hotline, attending city council meetings, and joining a nonpartisan organization are just a few ways that can make a difference in your community.

Despite the many views on the confirmation of Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court there must still be participation on all sides. Especially to those who were left with a somber feeling after Saturday’s vote, participating in the community and being active by doing more than voting is the way to ensure voices are not silenced.


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