Thursday, March 20, 2025
HomeOpinionOpinion: Personal training class should also be open to students

Opinion: Personal training class should also be open to students

Story by Alyssa Vega Editorial cartoon by Sabrina Picou

This semester, LBCC employees had the opportunity to work out one-on-one with a student fitness trainer on campus for free. However, it is not currently available for students who seek a quick workout before or after class.

Our college offers a personal training certification program for students who are interested in entering the field of fitness training.

This program helps aspiring trainers gain practice by offering to train professors and faculty, however, it would also benefit the students who wish to be trained as well.

Despite the fact that there are fitness classes available to students, having an one-on-one personal trainer for a quick workout after class will help students get, and stay in shape.

Some full-time students might not have the availability to be enrolled in a fitness class for a whole semester, so having access to a trainer will give the students the option of working out on days they are available.

Also, students who enrolled in the maximum credits do not have the opportunity to take advantage of fitness classes or some might not have the finances to enroll in one.

According to Mark Cipolla, Kinesiology assistant professor and director of the personal training certification program, this program will increase health and wellness to LBCC professors and faculty.

However, this program has the ability to expand health and wellness to students as well. It is crucial for students who have a full-time schedule to be healthy and be in shape.

Having personal training available to students will not only help with their fitness and health goals but relieve stress from classes, especially during finals preparation.

Exercise increases the ability to cope with stress, so having this accessible for students will help ease pressure during midterms and finals.

Employees, that signed up for the program prior, participate in two groups every Thursday. The first group starts at 1:15 p.m. and ends at 2 p.m. The second group begins at 2:15 p.m. to 3 p.m.

It is difficult to manage time, especially for those who have a full-time schedule to squeeze in a workout.

Having the personal training program open for students to participate in would be a convenient way for students to get into shape.


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