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HomeLifestyleMercury Retrograde: What it is and what to expect

Mercury Retrograde: What it is and what to expect

By Sabriyya Ghanizada

Mercury is back with the shenanigans October 31 to November 20th. Yes, you heard that right! Mercury will officially begin it’s final retrograde of 2019 on All Hallow’s Eve.

You’ve most likely heard of the infamous mercury retrograde, however all planets retrograde.

Earth completes its orbit around the sun faster than the planets outside its orbit, so from our vantage point a planet may look like it is spinning backward.

As each planet makes its orbit, once it passes earth, it’s as if it’s making a u-turn, causing it to appear as if it’s slowed down. Just like when you’re in a car and the one next to you appears to be moving slower or you feel like you may be going backwards.

Mercury is lowkey the drama queen of the planets. Since Mercury’s orbit is only 88 days, it’s retrograde happens more frequently. Ruling over technology and communication, mercury comes around multiple times a year to wreak havoc.

No matter how calm or balanced you may feel, it’s best to remember patience at this time. Backup all your files, double and triple check your plans, leave 15 minutes early and try not to take the words or actions of others to heart. (Key word: try).

Technology, communication, and travel all get wonky, so be sure to check and recheck battery levels, your attitude and itineraries. Being clear and concise in planning and conversations is a major key.

Since Mercury rules over communication, old flames and friends pop back up at this time as well. You may get a DM from someone you haven’t spoken to in years. Before you decide to get twitter fingers, let some time pass to really think about your response.

Just the same, this is an auspicious time to hold a mirror to yourself. How can you communicate with yourself and the people around you better? Kinder? More efficiently? Do your thoughts reflect your words? Do your words reflect your actions?

More than anything, Mercury reminds us to be on top of our game. Ain’t nothing wrong with that!

This particular retrograde will begin and end in the deep and transformative sign of Scorpio. Because it falls on Halloween, the midpoint of the Autumnal season when the veil between worlds is thinnest, this is a beautiful time to find a balance between the material world and cosmic energies. Be prepared for a huge transformation within yourself and throughout your life.

Along with a retrograde period is the shadow period. What some astrologers refer to as “Retro-Shade”. The shadow period occurs a few days to a couple weeks before and after the retrograde begins and ends.

The shadow period before a retrograde gives you time to prepare. This retrogrades pre-shadow began on October 11. 

The shadow period after a retrograde gives you time to process all the effects and energies the retrograde ushered in. Mercury’s post-shadow”ends on December 7.

Once that time passes, you’ll start to feel more clarity in your thoughts and projects will gain momentum again. This is also the time to make any big purchases or continue with plans you had.

Retrogrades implore you to let go and trust the journey. Each retrograde reminds us to rest, reflect, recharge and re-evaluate. Use this cycle to slow down and follow your heart so the mind can follow.

Will you resist or will you adapt? The choice is yours. 

To see what Mercury has in store for your sign this retrograde, read your horoscope here.


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