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HomeLifestyleOctober 31 - November 20th Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes

October 31 – November 20th Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes

By Sabriyya Ghanizada

Aries | Ram (March 21 – April 19)

You’re making bounds and leaps towards your goals! Though you show no sign of slowing down soon, this retrograde will put a stop-halt to the momentum you have been gaining. Files may take longer to upload than usual and plans you make during this time will most likely fall through. Let this serve as a reminder to pause, breathe and reflect so you can obtain the balance you need to charge ahead once the retrograde ends. More importantly, use the breaks to celebrate your successes in small ways. Eating ramen with your BFF or a walk on the pier could just be the refresher you need. This would also be a good time to journal and reflect about past experiences so you can head into your future with a new perspective. 

Taurus | Bull (April 20 – May 20)

What’s your motivation, Bull? This retrograde will implore you to dig deeper. Your more intuitive than you give yourself credit for. Tap into your creative side by making a vision board for the new year. Looking at it everyday will allow you to be more receptive to the many ideas flooding your head as you calculate your next move. As the retrograde wind downs, remember to stand strong in the love you have for your own passions and projects so you don’t get trampled over by anyone else. It’s your china shop, afterall!

Gemini | Twins (May 21 – June 21) 

It may seem like you’ve made a mess of things, but just know it is never too late to repair anything as long as you start with yourself. The light within may be dim, but it is still there. Someone with a knack for adventure may re-enter your life during this retrograde. You may not feel up for it just yet, but once the prospect of their new ideas begin to exhilarate you, you’ll be reminded of the ability you have to release pressure and anxiety from within. The work will be hard, but remember to look at the positives of your situation. Once you do this, you’ll be able to forge ahead with your usual momentum after the retrograde.

Cancer | Crab (Jun 22-July 22)

You have become dependent on something or someone for external fulfillment. Despite what your emotions tell you, you are in full control of your life. This retrograde will be a harsh reminder of that reality. But for good reason. Things will feel very dark throughout this period which may cause you to turn to old habits or rely heavily on material possessions. It’s time to tap into your shadow side (the repressed emotions that are almost a little scary) during this retrograde so you can see the light with clear intentions. Have faith and stay strong no matter how uncomfortable you may be. Remember that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. The end of this retrograde will bring you much fulfillment if you take the time to self-reflect. 

Leo | Lion (July 23 – August 22)

You’re in a transition phase, Lion. The retrograde will require you to take a step back so you can gain a new perspective that will recharge your vitality. Use this time to enjoy the beauty around you in all things. A tide of change is coming your way, be prepared by remembering to be calm and diplomatic when communication with others gets rough. A new experience that will elevate your youthful exuberance awaits you at the end of this mercury retrograde. 

Virgo | The Virgin (August 23 – September 22)

You’ve done everything possible to prepare for this retrograde. Your files are backed up, you’ve set all your itineraries for the rest of the year and you’ve even made amends with your ex. You have the endurance you need to get through the next couple months of mishaps, but there will be much confusion and discord flooding your brain. When communication does not come easy to you during this time, it’s time to re-evaluate your choices. You will have reluctance to commit at this time, which others may find out of character for you. But you’re in tune with the sky and know that now is not the time to start anything new. Instead, use this time to get a new planner for the new year, maybe one with journal prompts or messages of gratitude, so you can stay focused on your inner-voice and not the opinions of others. 

Libra | Scale (September 23 – October 23)

You naturally have the ability to balance your thoughts with your material world. Because of this you’ve achieved great things and have even more to look forward to after the dust of the retrograde settles. Let this retrograde serve as a reminder to enjoy where you are now. You are surrounded by hard working people who enjoy doing what they love, even if it is a little different than how you would do it. Allow these collective differences to bring your team together like the leader that you are. An expected event will ignite the flow of your emotions, do not fear these emotions, instead have faith that they are illuminating the path for your success. 

Scorpio | Scorpion (October 24 – November 21)

Mercury will be retrograde in your sign, Scorpio. But don’t go running for the hills just yet. Because you are so comfortable with being uncomfortable, this cycle will almost feel like a breeze. You’ve had your sights set on the horizon for some time now. It’s time to sit back, relax and really feel into being receptive towards the fruits of your labor coming to life in front of your very eyes. You’ve been weaving a wonderful web of your creation, so don’t be surprised if you catch a few bugs along the way, it comes with the territory. Be open to people coming to you for advice or help. It would be in your best interest to hold off on any big purchases until the retrograde ends and make sure to carry cash with you at all times. 

Sagittarius | The Archer (November 22 – December 21)

It’s time to really lean in, Sag. To your emotions, that is. You aren’t usually the sentimental or sensitive type but this retrograde will bring a lot of things you thought you had moved passed back up to the surface. Instead of turning the other cheek, face these challenges head on and demand the same energy of your community and peers. You have the ability to deal with any roadblocks in your way by simply adjusting as you go. If you do all things with love, that will resonate to others, maybe even prompting them to combine resources with you during the retrograde so you all can accomplish your desired goals. 

Capricorn | Sea-Goat/Mountain-Goat (December 22 – January 19)

Caps are debatably the most hardworking sign of the zodiac, so the goat will be able to intuitively overcome any roadblocks that Mercury retrograde brings their way. When faced with friction, pause and reflect before choosing the best course of action or the wisest road to travel. You have a boundless thirst for knowledge. Good thing, because details will be flooding into your brain at this time. Don’t get caught up in daydreaming, instead use this creative force to toil away at passion projects in the privacy and peace of your own space. An onslaught of new opportunities will be swimming your way once the retrograde ends, and you’ll be prepared for the transformation with the fuel fired from working diligently on your own. 

Aquarius | Water Bearer (January 20 – February 18)

You’re on the come up and you know it, Aqua! You’ve been leaping blissfully through your transformation, but don’t allow your childlike nature to turn into immaturity. This retrograde will remind you to look both ways before you cross the street onto a new path. Use this retrograde to rest and renew your mind, body and spirit. If you do this, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to take any decisive action that you would have otherwise avoided in the past.

Pisces | Fish (February 19 – March 20)

This retrograde will bring about mental exhaustion and new barriers along your path. When you feel overwhelmed, take a step back until you gain the strength needed to face the situation head on. Remember the R’s during this retrograde: rest, reflect, retreat, recuperate, recharge, and recover. Your dreams will be very intense and vivid during this time. Keep a notebook or journal near your bed to jot down everything you remember once you awake. Look for symbolism in your dreamstate so you can better navigate the themes in your reality. Once the muck from the retrograde begins to clear, you’ll feel a sense of vitality and  renewal. Focus on happy memories instead of the bad ones so you can step out of the retrograde with enthusiasm for your accomplishments, because they are there, waiting for you to celebrate!


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