Former Vice President Joe Biden made a stop at Los Angeles Trade Technical College for his presidential campaign this past Thursday.
Biden addressed the audience his plan to make community college free if elected president.
“You are at a community college, and it should be free, it would cost $6 billion a year to make sure that everyone qualifies for community college, if you eliminate one tax loophole called stepped-up basis, every single solitary person who qualifies for community college can attend community college for free,” Biden said.
Biden initially started by acknowledging the Saugus High School shooting in Santa Clarita that killed two students and left three wounded earlier that Thursday.
Biden promised to take on the NRA if elected president in November of 2020.

“I’m so tired of people talking about your prayers, dammit we have to protect these kids, we have to do it now,” Biden said.
The former Vice President spoke on issues concerning immigration, DACA recipients and Temporary Protective Status (TPS).
“These millions of DACA kids they’re already Americans,” Biden said.
Biden urged the people to vote in the upcoming presidential election saying, “Politics becomes personal, ugly, and dirty and the American people are sick of it but we can change that.”
“I think I am best prepared to deal with what needs to be done at the first shot.”

Volunteer for the Biden 2020 campaign Robina Hudson expressed her support saying, “He’s definitely my first choice because of the Obama era, He has the most experience.”
LATTC student Maritza Nunez attended the event in hopes of finding a candidate that she would like to support for the 2020 election.
“I heard he was coming to campus and I really want to see what he has to say, I’m not that into politics but I know I’m going to vote in 2020,” Nunez said.
According to Nia Smith, president of student services at LATTC, there will be polling centers at all nine colleges in the Los Angeles Community College District during next November’s election to empower students to participate in the democratic process and to make sure that the issues that they care about are heard.