As children, we are convinced that we are able to become anything we set our minds to; but as we transition into young adults, the pressures of financial success funnel us into a prototype, designed by expectations, that our parents or grandparents have envisioned for us.
Before we are able to recognize who it is we want to be, we are guided into academics and the focus turns towards becoming a doctor, dentist, lawyer, or anything that would look impressive on paper.
Of course, those careers maybe true callings for some people, but are often not the ideal career for others.
Some of us never grow out of the “unrealistic” job phase, and there’s nothing wrong with that! In fact, what qualifies a job as being “unrealistic”?
Our parents and even grandparents place this idea in our heads that it is foolish to follow your passions, making it seem like going after your dreams is impractical.
In reality, there is no such thing as an “unrealistic” job, it’s just a made up concept that stems from the negative influences of our elders and the fear to go against them.
We are always taught to reach for the stars, but once we come of age, it almost seems impossible to create a living out of a dream.
To enhance my argument, I’ve self-conducted a survey where I questioned a random sample of 50 students at LBCC.
The following students were told to fill out a simple questionnaire, using their biased beliefs on how they view the effects on career choices made today.
Of the 50 students, 39 students believe that specifics aspects in society play a substantial role in how career choices are determined.
Similarly, 36 of the 50 believe that this is why students have distanced themselves from a career in the arts.

Conducting the survey further intensified how many students are afraid to go after their passion due to the pressures presented by the people closest to us.
People should be able to be fearless in this world, not afraid to follow their dreams. Failure is something that no one likes to experience and therefore, becomes a threat.
Influence from your elders are what tends to get people to switch directions in their career choice, and to be fair, the choice is reasonable.
However, some might say that they would much rather take the risk of doing what they loved just to be able to say they gave it their all.
I’m sure that some students would say that they would much rather prefer a lower-paying job with a higher amount of happiness instead of a higher-paying job with a lower amount of happiness.
The hard work and ambition that comes along with doing something one loves should motivate them to go above and beyond in whatever they choose to do.
Making a living showcasing your strongest talents should not seem impossible but with the constant voices of others telling you what you should be, becomes a lot to deal with.
This is probably a common worry dealt with by college students today, which is why it is important to expose yourself to new things that will help enable your success. Stop being scared of the unknown and go for it.
Always keep your mind open to new opinions other than just the ones of the people you value the most, such as your parents, because it will give you the potential to expand your knowledge and help create a happier future.