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Spring 2020 commencement ceremony to be postponed along with changes in fall semester scheduling

By Abrielle Lopez

Updates on the return to campus, changes to fall semester scheduling and registration dates, and a call to postpone Spring 2020 commencement along with other announcements were addressed in a notice sent by LBCC’s COVID-19 response team on Friday, May 1.

The purpose of the notice was to give students and faculty long-anticipated answers about student relations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

According to the notice, there are a multitude of changes being made to LBCC’s response plan.

The fall 2020 semester schedule has been changed to accommodate a “mostly online” roster of classes.

Students will be encouraged to access the updated version of the fall 2020 semester schedule when it is available.

However, more information about the schedule and the distinction of classes will be forthcoming, according to the notice.

LBCC graduates can anticipate a Virtual Commencement Ceremony this semester, in order to acknowledge their time as an LBCC student and the degree that they have earned. 

LBCC commencement will no longer occur in-person on June 4, 2020, but rather on June 12, 2020 at 5 p.m. and virtually, meaning remotely, from home via electronic televising devices.

Graduates who wish to be acknowledged in-person are encouraged to return to LBCC and participate in commencement in spring 2021, assuming an in-person graduation ceremony will be permitted then.

More details on spring 2020 commencement are forthcoming.

It was previously announced that faculty and staff would be permitted to return to campus facilities and offices on June 8, 2020, but this date has been adjusted.

Currently, there are efforts being devised to distinguish what particular classes will have face-to-face instruction, and with that, what instructors will be permitted to return to campus. 

More details about the return to campus will follow.

Changes to registration dates and the class schedule have ensued, like priority registration being moved from June 1 to June 12 and open registration beginning on Monday, June 15. 

In regards to student retention this semester, all LBCC students have the choice to drop from a class with a “W” (Withdrawal) by May 27, but all “W” this semester will be converted to “EW,” or Excused Withdrawal.

This change was made in light of the circumstances of the COVID-19 health crisis, alleviating the strain that a Withdrawal has on student transcripts. 

The Excused Withdrawal signifies a sort-of pardon on transcripts of students that withdraw from classes for reasons beyond their control, like many of the hardships students are experiencing under a pandemic.

A “Pass/No Pass” option for students is available this semester and students can opt into converting their class grading to this system by May 27, 2020. 

However, students ought to research the consequences of opting into a “Pass/No Pass” grading system for the semester with respect to their future academic endeavors, for not all colleges accept transfer credits of “Pass/No Pass.”

Additionally, all attempts of classes in spring 2020 will not be counted as part of the maximum three attempts to retake classes, no matter the grade earned,  for students who wish to do so in future semesters.

Essential personnel is distinguished currently to support certain on-campus operations. 

For those not listed as “essential” who face an emergency or dire need to access campus, contact area vice presidents and supervisors to request access. 

Check back for more updates on this ever-evolving breaking news story as they become available.


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