Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeNewsLee Loveridge Runs for LBCC District 4 Board of Trustees

Lee Loveridge Runs for LBCC District 4 Board of Trustees

By Elliot Gonzales

Viking News spoke with candidates for the open seat on the LBCC District 4 Board of Trustees. All candidates were given the same questions, with one individual question based on observations of each campaign. Additionally, each candidate was asked to provide a reference for a quote from someone whom they have worked with before. 

Below is an excerpt of a conversation with candidate Lee Loveridge.

Can you tell me a little a bit about yourself, your background?

I’m a professor, not a politician. I teach physics at Pierce College in Woodland Hills.  I’m from Long Beach. I love this city.  I went to Long Beach Poly.

My background is in physics. I have a Ph.D. from UCLA. I’ve done a great deal of my physics research Berkeley, where I also got my master’s degree.

In my spare time I volunteer at my church. I also play viola and other string instruments. One of my favorite instruments is the gaita del fol, a bagpipe type of instrument played in the Iberian peninsula. I’ve played with the Pierce College band.

Age? 47

Why do you want to serve on the LBCC Board of Trustees?

I want to be a voice in favor of professors and students. I hope I can serve the community in a way that will improve the experience.

I think it is important to have the experience of faculty on the school board. I think I am uniquely qualified because I have experience in working in administration and teaching.

What are your qualifications to serve on the board?

I’m a 20-year educator, I’m someone who has had experience in leadership. I’ve served as Vice Chair of the Southern California Association of Physics Teachers. I am a scientist and a science educator.

I’m running because I think it’s important to make all fields accessible to everyone.

What ideas do you have to improve the quality of education for students?

I want to make sure we give each student the resources they need, really try to target each individual’s needs.

What ideas do you have to ensure that faculty is given fair contracts? Especially Adjunct Professors?

I want to make sure that professors have the resources they need. Budgets coming in late have forced me to pay out of pocket for lab expenses.

As adjuncts, it’s always really bothered me that they cost the school less and they’re easier to fire. That’s not something that helps adjuncts.

I would give a little more compensation to adjuncts to compensate for the lack of health benefits and the increased vulnerability to dismissal. It’s always bothered me that adjuncts are expected to receive less.

What qualities will you look for in a new LBCC President?

I’m looking for someone who is loyal to the school and the faculty. With COVID, we may not need a classroom, but we do need a dedicated faculty. Ideally, the president should have experience teaching as well as administrating.

We noticed that you didn’t have a website listed on your filing forms. How do you plan on promoting your campaign and reaching voters?

I did just post my website. I was hoping to get the endorsement of the faculty association. At this point, I’m hoping [voters] see my statement on the ballot and I’m hoping people see that I am an educator. I expect both opponents to outspend me, but I’m doing this for the community.

Additional information about Loveridge’s campaign can be found at www.lee-loveridge-lbccd.com.


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