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HomeNewsRichard Gaylord says he’ll prioritize students for LBCC District 4 Board of...

Richard Gaylord says he’ll prioritize students for LBCC District 4 Board of Trustees

By Elliot Gonzales

Viking News spoke with candidates for the open seat on the LBCC District 4 Board of Trustees. All candidates were given the same questions, with one individual question based on observations of each campaign. Additionally, each candidate was asked to provide a reference for a quote from someone whom they have worked with before. 

Below is an excerpt of a conversation with candidate Richard Gaylord.

Can you tell me a little a bit about yourself, your background?

I grew up in Steubenville, Ohio. My parents came to the U.S. from Italy. Both of my parents worked in the steel mill industry throughout the rust belt. We lived in Ohio, West Virginia, [and] Pennsylvania. I’m the first in my family to get a college education. I graduated from Fransican University of Steubenville with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. There I served as an administrative assistant to the dean, and also served as the director of admissions my last year there.

Eventually, I moved to Nevada where I learned real estate and obtained my real estate license. From there I moved to California, where I taught in a private school as well as taught at [California State University Long Beach]. After teaching I decided to go back into real estate as my profession.

In terms of civil service, I’ve served on the planning commission as well as the economic commission for the City of Long Beach. I’ve also had the opportunity to help the city select its staff through the personnel commission, which is a great honor.   

I’m very active in my profession. I served as the president of the California Association of Realtors in 2000. I’ve also served as the president of the National Association of Realtors in 2008. I’m the current president of the Friends of Belmont Shore neighborhood association.

Age? 76

Why do you want to serve on the LBCC Board of Trustees?

I think I can make a difference. I know the work of the college, I see how the college changes people’s lives. It’s very touching. I want to continue to be a part of that.

I know people who have gone from being homeless to making a good salary by joining a trade program while getting the support they needed. I know that if we create more opportunities for people throughout their college experience, we can change people’s lives.

What are your qualifications to serve on the Board?

I’ve supported the work of the Board on two bond issues, [as well as] donated to the college. I have experience as an administrator, as a teacher, and in personnel. I’m someone who knows Long Beach City College and knows the community in Long Beach.

What ideas do you have to improve the quality of education for students?

I’m interested in three things. The students, the students, the students. It’s about putting the students first.

I plan to work with the Chancellor’s office on implementing the “vision of success” model. I see the role of the Board to spread the word about the college.

I would work to attract students, inform the public and educate the students on the admission process. I would like to help the students succeed in every way possible.

I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help out students. I think we can do a lot more with the foundation, attracting scholarship donors, so students don’t have to worry about the cost [of education]. We can bring many more employers into the fold, so that it’s easy to find a good paying job, or help students in the application process to finish their bachelor’s.

What ideas do you have to ensure that faculty is given fair contracts?

I understand what it takes to be a teacher. It’s a lot of hard work.  I will make sure that teachers are given good contracts. I know that [the] faculty is working very hard.

Their jobs are very important. I plan to make sure that they are happy. When they are happy they’re gonna work hard.

I’m very proud to have the endorsements* of the faculty, classified employees and the teachers.

What qualities will you look for in a new LBCC President?

I’m looking for someone who is committed to student success, someone who isn’t afraid of innovation. This person has to be a person of high values and ethics. They have to visibly represent the college in the community. I’m anxious for us to find someone who knows the community and will get to know Long Beach and all the educational institutions in our community. They must be capable administrators who can be representative of our students and our college.

Your website touts your fiscal responsibility, a term associated with budget cuts. Previous trustees have cut trade programs and other career or educational courses to deal with budget shortfalls in fiscal responsibility. Are there any programs that you would be willing to cut to save money? If so, which ones?

We have a process where the faculty and administration looks at all of our programs, they determine which programs are successful. This ought to be done in conjunction with regional employers. I’m not in the mind[set] to cut trade and technical courses. With the amount of changes we’ve seen, I’m hoping we can expand these courses without having to make any cuts.
It’s really important that we work with private sector employers, once we determine where people are hiring, I think we have to provide those programs.

More information about Richard Gaylord’s campaign can be found at


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